Friday, February 28, 2020

Functional Status Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Functional Status - Assignment Example Patient’s history is needed when assessing and interviewing patients, because they could be characteristics that might interfere with the assessment. When interviewing, the clinician should be aware of the patient’s daily concerns and ask specific questions. This rapport helps the clinician and patient communicate effectively. Medical history is another area clinicians should ask elderly patients questions regarding their physical nature. For example, eyes, mouth, ears, throat, chest, neck, musculoskeletal back pains, and neurologic. Regarding drug use history, the history has to be recorded, and the elderly counseled in order to stop the habit. For example, tobacco and alcohol abuse (Besdine, 2013). Physical examination is something clinicians have to observe critically because it tells a lot about elderly patients, for example vital signs such as heart rate, skin color, and abnormalities within the body (Bickley, 2013). The process of reasoning is what all clinicians go through, and they differ broadly in terms of personal style, training, communication skills, and experience (Bickley, 2013). Clinical reasoning involves developing, testing hypotheses and establishing working diagnosis. Besdine, R. W. ( 2013). Evaluation of the elderly patient. Retrieved Dec 30, 2014 from

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Child Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Child Development - Essay Example This is what will be dissertated in the following. The study of child development truly and utterly encompasses that of all the human aspects of human growth from birth to adolescence, and this includes that of the progressive elaboration of the child's intellectual skills; personality development, involving the complex interaction between psychosocial factors and the stage-by-stage development of the body; and socialization, the process by which children adjust to society and its demands. As well, "Child development information can help parents know when they are expecting too much from a child as well as become aware of lags in development that may benefit from professional help." (Child Development Institution, 2006). The child development process begins at birth, and there is one matter that needs to be begun at the birth and then carried on throughout the child's life; this is the fact that you need to play with your child. While children are going to need their own space and thus have play time alone or with other children, research has shown that playtime with parents is truly also essential. Children actually crave playtime with their parents, and playing with your child is a bond that will last forever. There are many benefits that come from playing with your child as well, and that includes the fact that "It lets the child know he or she is loved and appreciatedas wellIt opens the door for sharing problems and concerns when the need arisesfurthermoreIt is also a great stress reducer for overworked parents." (Child, 2006). There are certain development milestones as well that are incredibly important to recognize, and this too begins right from the birth of the child, and then carries on th rough until adolescence. These developmental milestones include that of several different categories in particular, including: motor, speech, vision and hearing, and social development. We will being with the age of 4-6 weeks, which the child should be able to smile at the mother; 6-8 weeks the child should be able to vocalize at least a little bit; at 3 months, the child should be able to hold their head up for prolonged periods, with no grasp reflex, they should be talking a great deal, be able to follow dangling toys from side to side and be able to turn their head around, and they should be able to squeal with pleasure appropriately and discriminate smile; at 5 months, the child should be able to hold head steady, go for objects and get them, enjoy vocal play, smile at their mirror image; at 6 months, the child should be able to transfer objects from one hand to the other, be able to pull self up to sit and be able to sit erect with supports, be able to pronounce double syllable sounds such as 'mumum' and 'dada', localize sound 45cm lateral to either ear, and they may show 'stranger shyness'; at 9-10 months, the child should be wiggling and crawling, they should be able to sit unsupported, and be able to pick up objects with a pincer grasp, they should be ab