Monday, December 30, 2019

Carrefour in Mexico - 1615 Words

Carrefour background information Carrefour is an international retail chain with its headquarters located in Levallois-Perret, France. Carrefour operates mainly in the European Union, South America, East Asia and Northern Africa. It is currently the number 1 retail group in Europe and number 2 retail group worldwide in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart. Carrefour has 12 547 stores, 456 295 employees in 29 countries worldwide. Carrefour’s first store was opened in 1960, in Annecy, France and today the original store is still operating and is the smallest Carrefour location in the world. The Carrefour group pioneered the idea of a ‘hypermarket,’ which is a large outlet consisting of both a grocery store and department store under one†¦show more content†¦The people can find fresh food, clothes, hi-tech items, books, cooking stuff, garden stuff†¦ That is also related to a cultural aspect: the French do not want to waste time in shopping so they have to find all they need in the sam e place. Then it provides a wide range of high quality products in a lower price (a large number of people have the opportunity to purchase quality consumer goods). Next Carrefour Company is really involved in fair trade practices (sell faire trade products such as coffee from Guatemala†¦) and sustainable development. French people are very sensitive with these themes. There is a real increase in French collective consciousness in respect of the environment protection. As a consequence they appreciate Carrefour products because: †¢ In 1992, Carrefour launched its ‘Quality Line’ products, derived from agricultural practices that respect the environment (preservation of ecosystems, management of the risk of pollution to earth and water, etc.), and which can now be recognized by their â€Å"Engagement Qualità © Carrefour† logo. †¢ In 1996, the Group decided to apply the principle of caution in respect of GMOs and excluded genetically modified organisms from the ingredients of its products. 2) Specific services provide to Carrefour customers’: Carrefour CEO was the first to think about creating big store in peripheral of the big town in order to have the space to do free parking. This attracts theShow MoreRelatedSwot and Macro Environmental Analysis of Nordstrom1664 Words   |  7 Pageslast place in the priority list of company. Nordstrom working as departmental store in the retail industry would be effected by all the forces in the marketing environment. 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(Wikipedia) Thus, it have strong ability to generate internal funds and raise external capital. Moreover, its financial numbers shared with every employee. Second, physical resources and capabilities. For example, in U.S., also in Mexico, Britain, Canada and China, Walmart owns thousands of brick-and-mortar stores with advanced equipment. Moreover, its industries are widely scattered, which access to raw materials, distribution channels, and make sure it can delivery within one dayRead MoreWalmart : An American Multinational Retail Corporation962 Words   |  4 Pagesretailer in the US. (Wikipedia) Thus, it have strong ability to generate internal funds and raise external capital. Moreover, its financial numbers shared with every employee. Second, physical resources and capabilities. For example, in U.S., also in Mexico, Britain, Canada and China, Walmart owns thousands of brick-and-mortar stores with advanced equipment. Moreover, its industries are widely scattered, which access to raw materials, distribution channels, and make sure it can delivery within one dayRead MoreCompetition Between Emerging Market and Multinational Firms: Wal-Mart and Mexican Retailers6812 Words   |  28 Pagesand collectively to Wal-Mart s dominance. We discuss implications for strategic management and international business research as well as for managers of emerging market firms that face dominant foreign competitors. Within fifteen years of entering Mexico, Wal-Mart has become the dominant retailer and controls a larger market than all its rivals combined. Rival Mexican retailers have responded collectively via legal action and a purchasing cooperative as well as individually via heterogeneous individualRead MoreGlobal Business Environ ment - Case Study: Carrefour5517 Words   |  23 PagesIntroduction 3 I. Globalization and Retailing market 4 Market overview 4 Forces driving competition 5 †¢ Buyer power 5 †¢ Supplier power 5 †¢ New entrants 6 †¢ Threats of substitutes 6 †¢ Degree of rivalry 6 II. Carrefour SWOT 7 Strengths 7 Weaknesses 8 Opportunities 8 Threats 9 III. External business environment: Key challenges and implications 10 Political and legal 10 Economic and Financial 11 Social, cultural, and Environmental 11 Technological 12 IV. Conclusion 13 Sources 14 Read MoreCarrefour vs Walmart6435 Words   |  26 Pagesaccounted for about 20.1% of total sales. Competition In North America, Wal-Mart s primary competition includes department stores like Kmart, Target, ShopKo and Meijer, Canada s Zellers, Hart the Real Canadian Superstore and Giant Tiger, and Mexico s Comercial Mexicana and Soriana. Competitors of Wal-Mart s Sam s Club division are Costco, and the smaller BJ s Wholesale Club chain operating mainly in the eastern US. Wal-Mart s move into the grocery business in the late 1990s also set itRead MoreWal-Mart Operations in Brazil: an Emerging Giant4492 Words   |  18 Pagesthe name â€Å"Walton s Five and Dime,† referring in the name to the coins that could have value to the customers. As of August 2008, there are more than 8,200 Wal-Mart units around the world, with more than 4,100 located in the United States, 1,074 in Mexico, 392 in Japan, 346 in the United Kingdom, 318 in Brazil, 309 in Canada, 206 in China, 154 in Costa Rica, 147 in Guatemala, 74 in El Salvador, 55 in Puerto Rico, 47 in Honduras, 46 in Nicaragua, and 24 in Argent ina. With $374.5 billion in sales forRead MoreCarrefours Strategy3339 Words   |  14 Pages| The strategy of Carrefour | | | Summary I- Introduction 3 I- Historic 4 II- Characteristics of supermarket distribution 5 a) Porter’s five 5 b) PESTEL 7 c) SWOT 9 III- Strategies in France 10 IV- International strategy of Carrefour 11 V- The new markets and the future 12 VI- Suggested strategies 13 VII- Conclusion 14 VIII- Bibliography 15 I- Introduction Carrefour was the first supermarket created in France and also in the worldRead MoreCarrefours Strategy3351 Words   |  14 Pages| The strategy of Carrefour | | | Summary I- Introduction 3 I- Historic 4 II- Characteristics of supermarket distribution 5 a) Porter’s five 5 b) PESTEL 7 c) SWOT 9 III- Strategies in France 10 IV- International strategy of Carrefour 11 V- The new markets and the future 12 VI- Suggested strategies 13 VII- Conclusion 14 VIII- Bibliography 15 I- Introduction Carrefour was the first supermarket created in France and also in the world. For more than 50 years

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Role of Young Minds in Shaping India’s Path Towards...

Essay Title Role of Young Minds in shaping India’s path towards becoming a Superpower Name : Dhruv Tripathi College Name : University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun Course : B.A.LL.B. 3rd Semester E-mail : Introduction Young generation now has a lot of responsibility in making India a Super Power. We have done well in certain aspects; however, we need to go a very long way still. The growth in GDP, growth in Exports, employment opportunities, increase in literacy, reduction in poverty etc. itself cannot make India a Super Power. Many would agree that India is rich, but, Indians are poor. We need to manage the growth properly and we need to ensure that all Indians prosper and Human Rights are†¦show more content†¦However, now, these software engineers employed in good companies and taking good remuneration finding it difficult to get their children educated. If this is the situation for the educated and employed, then, what about people living below poverty line? Still, in this country, substantial number of people lives Below Poverty Line. I strongly believe that we can not get away with this Education and Health Care through Schemes and Privatization. State Governments have a big role to play in imparting education and in providing Health Care. Our Governments have lot of money in their hands now with industrial and overall growth, but, they spend all the money towards achieving their political agenda. If this country can not provide education to the people Below Poverty Line at free of cost, then, we may have to pay a very heavy price for that and we will also see internal revolution. It is such a sensitive issue now and we can not ignore this. Agriculture Farmers do face lot of difficulties with the middlemen. The problems of our farmers to be understood and State Governments should give utmost priority as to how to protect our Agriculture. We can not ignore our Agriculture which provides livelihood to majority of Indians even now either directly or indirectly. Our State Government Agri Departments should function efficiently addressing the problems of the farmers from time to time. We need to maintain a modest Agri growth while focusing on theShow MoreRelatedSocio – Political Situation of India1801 Words   |  8 Pagesaround is that China and India are becoming two major economic superpowers in the world. It is an accomplishment for some and an accosting danger for others. India in particular plays a vital role in federating developing and growing nations under the same roof, like the other great nations. According to the Forbes list 2007, India added to its list 14 new billionaires taking its total to 36. Their combined worth is almost $ 191 billion – equal to one-fourth of India’s GDP. Another interesting and welcomingRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesJean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective †¢ Gabrielle Hecht and Paul N. Edwards 271 8 A Century of Environmental Transitions †¢ Richard P. Tucker 315 About the Contributors †¢ 343 _ IN TR OD UC TIO N Michael Adas B y any of theRead MoreA Study on Customer Preference in Retail Store- Adani Store28361 Words   |  114 Pagesfrom retail stores. Goods are manufactured all over the world but are ultimately sold to us through these retail stores. India has already proven its mettle as superpower in the arena of information technology. The retail industry offers to bloom to the same level if conductive environment and support is provided it. India’s one billion populations make the country the second largest in the world in terms of population which is the very basis for successful organized retailing. We should takeRead MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 Pagesmarketing research report Online marketing E-commerce Trends in marketing Page No. Marketing management – an introduction Unit structure: 1. Introduction 2. Learning Objectives 3. Marketing Management 3.1. Evolution of marketing management 3.2. The Role of Marketing 3.3. Marketing concepts 3.4. The Marketing Mix (The 4 P s Of Marketing) 3.5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Ethics in Marketing 4. Have you understood type questions 5. Summary 6. Exercises 7. References 1. INTRODUCTION: The

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Paradise Lost †What Do We Learn About Satan’s Character from Line 84 To Line 191 Free Essays

Milton’s portrait of Satan has fascinated critics since Paradise Losts first publication, leading some in the romantic period to claim that Satan is, in fact, the heroic protagonist of the whole work. Certainly Milton’s description of Satan has greatly influenced the devil’s image in western art and literature since the book’s publication. From lines 84 to 191 in Paradise Lost Book 1, we are introduced to the character of Satan, who has just been hurled from heaven, ‘because he trusted to have equalled the Most High’. We will write a custom essay sample on Paradise Lost – What Do We Learn About Satan’s Character from Line 84 To Line 191? or any similar topic only for you Order Now As a reader, one first meets a stunned Satan, chained down to the fiery lake of hell, surrounded by his co-conspirators. From lines 84 to 127, where Satan is speaking to his good friend, ‘Beelzebub’, Milton presents him as being nostalgic about heaven, ‘Myriads, though bright†¦ ‘ – something one sees significantly for the first and last time throughout the poem. Satan’s great yearning for heaven is brief, and when finally suppressed, Milton offers a fine and revealing example of Satan’s rhetoric and quick-moving contradictions, as he instantly expresses excuses for his failure. Firstly, he declares that ‘Till then who knew, the force of those dire arms? ‘ explaining how they were unaware of Gods powers before testing him. This is supportive evidence, backing up the suggestion that Satan is the supposed ‘Father Of Lies’, as he is seen to be directly manipulating the truth. He manages to make ‘He with his thunder’ sound as though God had taken unfair advantage by using an illegal weapon. Moreover, he never refers to God by his name, but as ‘He’, ‘The potent victor’, or ‘Our grand foe’. He makes a virtue out of his unwillingness to ‘Repent or change’ – the very unwillingness which imprisons him eternally in the hell of himself. Much of what Satan says makes him sound grand and admirable because of the rhetorical force with which it is expressed, however when studied more closely it is seen to be more hollow, and even absurd. Satan claims that in the war against God, ‘He shook his throne’, and that the battle was ‘dubious’ – that it could have gone either way. This is obviously untrue, and again contributes to the image of him being a rather desperate liar. Satan’s remarkably obvious sense of optimism becomes greatly evident towards the end of his speech, where he describes all the positive things that have been the outcome of their war. Firstly he boasts of how they have now gained experience of Gods power – ‘through experience of this great event’, and then he persuades himself they have learnt a lesson from defeat, and ‘in foresight much advanced’, will do better next time in the ‘eternal war’. In my opinion however, Satan’s brave face is merely superficial. Beneath, he is racked with ‘deep despair’, his essential spiritual condition. His ‘public face’, is that of supreme dissembler, and it is impossible to know the extent to which he is deceived by his own rhetoric. This idea, creates effects of sympathy towards Satan’s character as it almost suggests that he is hopeless and possibly even doomed. Throughout this particular speech, Milton in my opinion, indirectly forces juxtaposing emotions upon his readers in relation to the character of Satan – being that of sympathy Vs admiration. The feeling of sympathy, as he seems so determined to be a successful leader, however it is clear that he does not really know himself where he is leading to. Even though one might feel this pity, the admiration of his great courage to rebel against authority makes Satan more appealing and likable as a rebel. From lines 128 – 55, Beelzebub, the born second-in-command replies to Satan beginning by being sycophantic towards him, and then continuing the myth that their rebellion had ‘endangered’ god. In contrast to Milton’s confident and optimistic portrayal of Satan, he presents Beelzebub in a much dimmer light – portraying him as being heavily depressed through the repetitive use of emotive language, using words such as ‘destruction’, ‘misery’, pain’ and ‘fire’. This key difference in character highlights the extent of Satan’s sheer optimism in their situation, making him appear plausible for his determination and great courage, of which he appears to possess over the other rebel angel. Following Beelzebub’s pessimistic and sorrowful reply, Satan forcefully attacks him with a powerful and persuasive speech, desperately hoping to uplift his despair. From comments such as, ‘to be weak is miserable’, one learns that Satan is determined to scotch such defeatist talk and to abolish any sense of weakness. Although Satan shows signs of great commitment in his ambition to ‘pervert’ God’s providence, I think that he knows in his heart that he is on a hiding to nothing and the worst he can do is cause God temporary inconvenience. Words such as ‘disturb’ and ‘perhaps grieve’ illustrate Satan’s rather poor plans to merely ‘irritate’ God, with his language generally lacking the vigour one would expect from Satan. Although Satan lacks in the quality of his plans, he does successfully manage to in-force a sense of time and place – as well as a feeling of unity, for example through ‘Our enemy’, ‘Our Own loss’. The effect of this is that it brings the rebels closer together reminding them that they have each-other, and therefore have a side. This shows us that Satan has great leadership skills, in that he holds the situation together and persuades his friends to follow his plans. Overall, I believe that from lines 84 to 191, Milton offers his readers an extremely complex and diverse view of Satan’s character, indicating rather important aspects that his personality appears to dominate. As the image created is rather dependable, my personal attitude towards him so far is greatly ambiguous, feeling both attraction, and repulsion – many people, it is relevant to add feel the same about snakes. The most notable aspects that have so far had effect shaping my view of his personality are his sheer courage and energy – that he appears to have on such an enormous scale. However, when analysing the value of these qualities in themselves one is forced to question their significance. In actual fact, when studying all major aspects of Satan’s character so far – the discussion of him rapidly turns into a series of endless questions, which I hope will soon be answered as the poem develops. How to cite Paradise Lost – What Do We Learn About Satan’s Character from Line 84 To Line 191?, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Blog Post for Phenomenon of Globalization

Question: Write about theBlog Post for Phenomenon of Globalization. Answer: Climate change is the burning topic for the multifaceted implication that it has on the world today and at this juncture being alarmed about the crisis is not sufficient enough. Climate change has impacted in multiple aspects started from rise in the levels, disruption in military warfare, food shortages due to drought, dearth and improper farming consequently impacting the entire ecological balance (Dalby 2014). The artificiality that has invaded into the world is partly responsible for the unnatural upturn of events leading to global warming and unpredictability in climatic pattern. In this context it is essential to take into consideration the phenomenon of globalization which has increased the technological advancement, urbanization, war and use of weapons therefore intervening with the natural balance of the earth . This transformation has threatened the natural stability of the earth. As per environmentalists, this scarcity can affect human beings not only on a materialistic level but also on a personal level. According to Feminist analysis of environmental conflict, it is rather insensitive to forget women and security that are often at the brink of violation in the face of environmental conflicts (Detraz 2009). Like an increase in population rate can result in severe scarcities, rules and regulations that are imposed in order to deal with that scarcity can become threatening as well. The negative side of environmental degradation and its effects on human beings can assume larger proportions if went overlooked for long (Detraz 2009). Eco-feminists in this sphere urge to respect the human-nature dichotomy to develop a sustainable method for the protection of life forms in its entirety that deals with environmental conflicts and climate transformations. Bibliography list: Dalby, S., 2014. Rethinking geopolitics: Climate security in the Anthropocene.Global Policy,5(1), pp.1-9. Detraz, N., 2009. Environmental security and gender: Necessary shifts in an evolving debate.Security Studies,18(2), pp.345-369.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

-762000-584200 Essays - Military History By Country, Military

-762000-584200 Allene Dorr 10-04-2017 HUN 2250 Professor Landwer0 Allene Dorr 10-04-2017 HUN 2250 Professor Landwer A day at War As I stand in the trench The thunder gets louder My hands start to tremble The people around begin to pounder I travel up the ladder My eyes began to melt The sounds around get louder My soul begins to swelt I shot my gun I see the bodies starting to fall My mouth begins to water As I lay next to my foe The maggots begin to crawl As I lay being eaten and gone My body begins to dissolve Focus Paper: This poem is describing a single person's thoughts t owards the beginning of the war. I t starts with the moment this person is in the trench. The next line is describing thunder which is the gun shots going off and shaking the ground. The main character and everyone around him starts to get terrified , wondering if this was the end of their life. Time going by so fast they begin to travel into no man's land, their eyes and mouths melt from the mustard gas, an d other chemicals in the air. As these chemicals seep into the people's bodies, their souls and body begins to breakdown and slowly die. As on coming enemies begin charging towards them, he shot them and their saw bodies fall to ground, dead. His mind was racing with so much guilt, but knows t his is the way life with this job . He got shot, his mouth filling with blood as he fe ll to the ground next to all the enemies . T his body dies and soul begins to escape. Before the last seconds before death comes, he sees the maggots and bugs start to crawl from one person to the ot her. This reflects the time frame, this is the way war was. It was a scary and rough place and most would not come back alive. Living in the trenches took a lot of energy out of these soldiers. They "lived in long narrow trenches conditions were horrible and the soldiers had very little time to rest" (BBC). The trenches wreaked of decay and death. In between both sides of the trenches there were miles of open land but nothing lived or breathed in between those two parts. It was called no man's land, once you entered you never left. You lived in those trenches, whether it rains or shines. Soldiers lived in terrible conditions, with rain, lightning, and tornados . After WWI , the soldiers that did come back from war had long term effects. Some had what is called trench foot, is an infection in the foot from being in cold, moist conditions for a prolonged period of time. Others were exposed to emotiona l problems such as shell shock, "defined as a neurosis, and there was little sympathy for shell-shocked soldiers" (SM). It is a disease of the mind that jumbles up different scenarios and make up memories and facts. With shell shock, when the soldiers returned no one believed anything was wrong and they were making everything up. They could not live a normal life after what happened. They could still hear the scream of people dying, see the bodies lying on the ground. Some would recover from shell shock but often had night mares about what was happening. WWI was supposed to be a teaching lesson, that America didn't want anything like this to happen again. So many casualties and deaths, tearing families apar t. After the first world war, no one was the same. Still to this day we learn about the devastation , hoping that in today's life nothing like that will happen again. Work Cited: "Science Museum. Brought to Life: Exploring the History of Medicine." War's Long-Term Effects , . "What Was It like in a World War One Trench?" BBC Bitesize , BBC, .

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Viet-Innocent Essays - Imperialism, Laotian Civil War

The Viet-Innocent Essays - Imperialism, Laotian Civil War The Viet-Innocent The Viet-Innocent Imagine yourself in a newly strange, unfamiliar tropical jungle environment. The catch is, your purpose is not to take eye-catching photographs for National Geographic magazine. Instead, you are assigned to kill people of a foreign land you have never seen before, because your government tells you it is the patriotic, honorable duty you owe your country. Everything is all right in the beginning. You arrive in Vietnam, familiarize yourself with your platoon, acquaintances and close friends alike. The worst things so far are the irritating, annoying insects that buzz around you in the midst of the tropical heat while wearing a hot, uncomfortable marine uniform, while carrying a heavy backpack and a semi-automatic weapon, and fatigue from hiking and digging numerous trenches. Until one night in the jungle, someone you are perhaps close with is blown to pieces before your eyes. Its possible the only thing left of them is sadly their lower half. It is the first time you have witnessed ano ther human being violently, grotesquely mutilated to unexpected death in only a matter of a second. Emotions are raging through you: fear, anger, shock, frustration, paranoia, sadness, and maybe after seeing this numerous times, you might actually, but sickly enough begin to laugh. Not at all the death that is around you, but realizing that the fighting never seems to end and that this is the life to which you must be accustomed. You can not tell apart the Viet-Kong from regular civilians, since they can be anyone-even women and children. You are unable to communicate with anyone in this land because they do not speak your language and you do not speak theirs. You do not know exactly what intentions any random person of this foreign land may have; you only know you are there to carry out one specific task-kill the Viet-Kong. This is difficult when they are indistinguishable from regular civilians. Now imagine experiencing this every day for a year, or until you are the one who becom es a statistic. The people here are no longer people, but instead referred to as gooks, slant-eyes, or Charlie: the enemy. Many soldiers who committed unspeakable acts of brutality against the people of Vietnam are not responsible for their actions and were heavily influenced to do so against their conscience and will. We as a nation may view the soldiers who partook in incidents such as the My Lai massacre with disgust, embarrassment, and disappointment, as they are representative of our country. Nevertheless, we must consider the unexpected motives and circumstantial situations that led them to do so. Constant exposure to daily routine violence and death among fellow soldiers/friends, the inability to distinguish the enemy from regular civilians, and the US government itself all contributed to the commitment of atrociously brutal and ruthlessly violent acts against Vietnamese civilians. There were thousands of soldiers who experienced pressures and conditions that influenced the gradual alteration of their state of mind. Many soldiers experienced fellow platoon members getting so horrifically wounded from battle to the point of permanently intense disfiguration and more commonly death. Of these statistics, some would no longer partake in the fighting against the Vietnamese or normal routine life the way they knew it before the war-forever handicapped. The majority however, would no longer live to again embrace their families, friends, significant others, and perhaps even children. According to Kregg P.J. Jorgensons Beaucoup Dinky Dau: Odd, Unusual, and Unique Stories of the Vietnam War, Peter Martinsen, a former Vietnam veteran recalls of a fellow platoon member: He just sat there in the grass just laughing. He's laughing and he's yelling. Goddamn, I'm hit. You know what this means? I'm getting out of this *censored*! He's pointing to his missing leg and he's laughi ng. This is my way out of this *censored*! Out. Out. In Philip Caputo's A Rumor of War, A sergeant in Caputo's platoon states I have a wife and two kids at home and I don't care who or how many people I have to kill to see them again. (156). In addition to standard combat, the Vietnamese were very brutal towards the Americans. Many American soldiers were tortured and killed by the Viet-Kong. Any captured American

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership (3) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Management and Leadership (3) - Essay Example The political environment of the location insisted on selling off the German Subsidiary of GM, Opel to the other investors formed by the coalition of Canadian-Austrian Brand Magna and Russian bank Sberbank but the company did not agree to that. Funding were being offered by government business regulating agencies to the company to remain in the European market with an assurance of providing 5,500 jobs to the people in the Vauxhall unit of the company (Boston, 2009). More emphasis given on the restructuring of the system in order to resist the effect of the economic crisis and form an entirely new system to provided emergence of new opportunities for business and the employment activities (Brunello, 2009). Buyer Bargaining Power – The complications between GM and German authorities including the other involved companies influenced the buyers’ decision over GM products. It indicated the strengthening of the bargaining power of buyers. Competitive Rivalry – The competitive rivalry between GM and other European brands have increased because of the controversial situation of Opel in European market. To perform in such kind of highly competitive environment GM adopted approaches of product differentiation as it supported the company to develop its unique image in its customer group. Threat of New Entrants – The economic condition of the location does not have potential capability which allows any new organization to enter the market as the economic condition gradually became worse. GM remained out of such kind of pressure as due to several big brands it becomes tough for any company to start its own business in the automobile sector. Resources – The Company possess a strong resource backing for both tangible as well as intangible resources. Forming strategic partnership has also benefited the organization in generating resources for its production process. To confirm the availability of its resources the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anthropology Research Paper - The Amish Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Anthropology - The Amish - Research Paper Example Introduction: The Amish movement which originated in Europe was initiated by a reform group in order to reestablish the conventional practices as followed by the Mennonites. The Amish community migrated to the United States during the early eighteenth century and have settled in various parts across the country, ever since, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and New York. The Amish community has historically strived to uphold the values and culture of seventeenth century Europe by restraining from accepting and adopting any aspect of contemporary life offered by modern society, thus leading to their social isolation from the present day popular/ mainstream culture/ society. There are however various subgroups formed among the Amish community such as the Old Order, New Order and Andy Weaver Amish groups, who believe in and follow different ideologies and have accepted different degrees of modernity in their everyday lives (Kraybill and Stephen, 2004). Primary m ode of subsistence: The Amish community has historically been closely associated with the soil and activities associated with the same. The Amish people have been and are agriculturists and have worked as farmers on their family owned farms during the early 1960s (Lowry, 1997). In fact most of the Amish people still continue to work on farms and are predominantly viewed as agricultural by occupation. However with the rapidly changing external environment, there has been a simultaneous and corresponding impact and change in the patterns of Amish occupations, which have now shifted from farm based to non-farm based activities in recent times. Furthermore the rising land prices as a result of rapid urbanization have also pushed the Amish community to look for other sources of occupation (Pandit and Withers 1999; Bingham and Eberts, 1990; Ayres, 1998). Farming as well as other farm based occupations such as livestock rearing and /or animal husbandry still has retained precedence over ot her occupations within the Amish community although statistics suggest that hardly ten percent of the Amish population is now actively involved in farming and agricultural activities during the last century. The Amish farmers have increasingly included and integrated non-farm based activities with their primary occupations. In recent decades various Amish communities have started actively participating in small business activities as their occupation with employees less than ten. Most of these businesses are associated with wood production for household use, building barns and gazebos etc., while others have opened bakeries and quilt shops as well, thus engaging in profitable business ventures. Furthermore several Amish groups are now also involved in construction businesses while others have started working in factories in and around small towns (Kraybill and Nolt, 2004). Impact of primary mode of subsistence on the Amish culture: As discussed previously, the Amish community is pri marily an agricultural based community, where a majority of Amish men are still involved in farming and other farm based activities. It is on account of this reason that their lifestyles are fundamentally based around farming and agricultural activities. However with the rapid pace of change in the external environment brought about by urbanization has forced the Amish men to take up

Monday, November 18, 2019

Management of Carotid Artery Stenosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management of Carotid Artery Stenosis - Essay Example The result can be ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. These occur because of hemodynamic compromise, embolization, or thrombosis (Greelish, Mohler, Fairman, 2009). The review by Greelish, (2009), includes major trails which evaluate the efficiency as well as clinical variables and risk. There are two major trials discussed in this paper, those are the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial and the European Carotid Surgery Trial. Each of these demonstrate the efficacy of the carotid endarterectomy in patients who have symptoms such as transcient ischemic attack (Greenlish,, 2009). The NASCET cohort is another study done that suggests the benefits of CEA in symptomatic patients may be overestimated, since a number of strokes that occur in the territory of stenotic arteries are not preventable by CEA. 1800 patients were included in this study which was done to assure that we knew what the true risk factors of this group of patients with stroke might be. This study showed that that stroke occurred most often in people that had 60% stenosis. This is well supported in all of the studies that were reviewed. Patients with 60% occlusion whether symptomatic or asymptomatic are at great risk. Risk factors lead to damage in the carotid arteries and th... Secondary prevention of stroke: risk factor reduction by Furie, Wilterdink and Kistler, (2009) review risk factor management of patients with atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease, with a focus on secondary prevention in patients who have had ischemic attack or ischemic stroke. Those risk factors that are discussed in great depth in this paper are hypertension, smoking, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and dyslipidemia. They show statistical data on those patients that control these risk factors and those that don't as well as how the CEA fits into this care (Furie, et. al., 2009). CEA alone will not forever cure a patient with large number of risk factors. The patient has to be willing to participate in this care, also. Cardiovascular disease, MI or ischemic stroke is still the leading cause of death in patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Haffey, (2009), suggests success in saving lives here is based on effectively treating the whole patient. The author describes throughout his paper, different clinical approaches to achieving this goal. He reminds that treating those things that are risk factors for the disease should be dealt with aggressively. Those include hypertension, smoking, activity levels, dietary habits, obesity, carotid artery stenosis, and atrial fibrillation (Haggey, 2009). Again, as in the previous literature, Dr. Haggey suggests that there be a great deal of follow up assuring that these patients are doing what has to be done to decrease their risk factors. There have been three very high quality clinical trials on patients who need carotid endarterectomy but are asymptomatic. Those trials are the Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group, the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study, and the Asymptomatic Carotid

Friday, November 15, 2019

Introduction To Social Media Analysis Marketing Essay

Introduction To Social Media Analysis Marketing Essay Introduction to Social Media Analysis People are talking about you-your company, your products, your people. With modern, digital communications tools, theyre publishing their thoughts to a worldwide audience. They write on blogs and in online communities, and they share pictures and videos on popular sites, such as MySpace and YouTube. Sometimes, the issues they raise show up on the front page of major newspapers. Paying attention to these online conversations is a new imperative for anyone who cares about their companys reputation. Social media analysis is the broad term for the services and tools you will use to pay attention. It incorporates monitoring, measuring and analyzing Internet-based social media, usually combining automated systems and human insight to turn raw data into useful information. Its most often used in marketing and communications/PR functions, which is why some people call it brand monitoring. But theres more to it than monitoring, and its not used only in marketing. Customer service, product groups, competitive intelligence, and investor relations-or any other relations function-will find useful information. Specialized applications for institutional investors, lenders and supply-chain managers are also available. If you use information, social media analysis opens vast new sources. Idea behind This Study: In Pakistan very few people are encouraging their businesses through social media marketing, mostly our internet usage went under the heading of ENTERTAINEMENT, so I want to study that where the actually person drive to while using Internet in Pakistan. How social media marketing can help us? How it is used, what are its advantages and disadvantages, how to build interest in it and those who are using and making money through it, how they are doing this? ABSTRACTS SAP A Company Transforms Itself Through Social Media This case study was written to demonstrate how a company can create a social networking platform that not only achieves its tactical goals of pushing company content to its target audience, but also broader, strategic purposes aligned with the companys corporate profile and brand. The study will look at technologies used to develop the SDN and the BPX networks, the quality of the user experience, and metrics achieved, as well as issues related to maintaining and growing the network. SAP, faced a new challenge. No longer was it content simply to be a developer of much of the worlds most successful business software. Instead, it wished to become a platform company, on its own Web-based platform solution: NetWeaver. That meant it had to open its platform to developers outside its own walls, who would drive innovative ways for businesses to use this platform to solve their business problems. It meant it had to talk to a huge, new audience that had not been part of its prior focus: developers across the globe that may or may not be SAP employees. Additional objectives included a desire to increase adoption of SAP products and to provide a platform of innovation for SAP and its partners. To obtain the main goal, SAP launches two new softwares for this called as SDN and BPX. Both networks are transparent, anyone can sign up, and both are searchable. Users can subscribe and obtain RSS feeds from the most popular bloggers, and all the content is accessible to social book-marking sites, as well as from Google and other search sites. SAP was formerly viewed as rigid, monolithic, and overly process-oriented but after adoption of Social Media it is now viewed as open and collaborative Methodology: Discussion Forums were opened up in Web page format where a rate of about 4,000 posts Per day was recorded. These were followed by blogs, initially contributed by employees, and quickly opened to outsiders. Active contributors include customers, consultants, and other opinion leaders, and the blogs feature everything from long-form essays on relevant topics to shorter bursts about future trends or interesting innovations. Conclusion Finally, the author speculates on how the success of the combined networks could lead to further revenue growth and enhancement of current corporate communications. How People Perceive Online Behavioral Advertising They performed a series of in-depth qualitative interviews with 14 subjects who answered advertisements to participate in a university study about Internet advertising. Subjects were not informed this study had to do with behavioral advertising privacy, but raised privacy concerns on their own unprompted. They asked, What are the best and worst things about Internet advertising? and what do you think about Internet advertising? Participants held a wide range of views ranging from enthusiasm about ads that inform them of new products and discounts they would not otherwise know about, to resignation that ads are a fact of life, to resentment of ads that they find insulting. Many participants raised privacy issues in the first few minutes of discussion without any prompting about privacy. They discovered that many participants have a poor understanding of how Internet advertising works, do not understand the use of first-party cookies, let alone third-party cookies, did not realize that behavioral advertising already takes place, believe that their actions online are completely anonymous unless they are logged into a website, and believe that there are legal protections that prohibit companies from sharing information they collect online. They found that participants have substantial confusion about the results of the actions they take within their browsers, do not understand the technology they work with now, and clear cookies as much out of a notion of hygiene as for privacy. They also found divergent views on what constitutes advertising. Industry self-regulation guidelines assume consumers can distinguish third-party widgets from first-party content, and further assume that consumers understand data flows to third-party advertisers. Instead, we find some people are not even aware of when they are being advertised to, let alone aware of what data is collected or how it is used. Methodology: A series of in-depth qualitative interviews with 14 subjects were conducted. A modified mental models protocol of semi-structured interviews were followed using standard preliminary questions for all participants while also following up individually to gather participants understanding of and reaction to behavioral advertising in particular. Conclusion Consumers have a very clear understanding of when and where Google search displays advertisements. However, consumers do not understand which parts of the New York Times website are advertisements. They lack the knowledge to distinguish widgets from first party content. Consequently, it is overly optimistic to believe consumers know their data flows to widget providers as a first party. THE VALUE OF A FACEBOOK FAN: AN EMPIRICAL REVIEW As Facebook matures as a viable marketing and customer service channel, many organizations are looking to quantify and understand the impact of their overall marketing investment on their business. Quantifying the Return on investment (ROI) of Facebook marketing efforts includes multiple variables and companies often fail to understand and to properly value their efforts in terms of the potential long-term business benefits of the Facebook channel. Many brands overcomplicate their measurement requirements by tracking dozens of independent variables. Many oversimplify by trying to apply a single number concept of value, and far too many fail to quantify ROI in such a way as to convince a CFO of the merit of increasing or shifting investment towards Facebook marketing. Syncapse has adopted a unique approach to understanding the financial returns that social members on Facebook provide to a business. Facebook fan ROI can be understood though a knowledge of key performance indicators that have traditionally led to increased sales and profit in business and the key differences between Facebook users who have opted to fan a brand and those who have not. This study will examine the five leading contributors to Facebook fan value. (1) Product Spending (2) Brand Loyalty, (3) Propensity to Recommend, (4) Brand Affinity and (5) Earned Media Value. Methodology The quantitative research for this Syncapse undertaking was conducted in conjunction with Hotspex Market Research and consisted of a 25-minute survey using their online panel. Data was collected from over 4,000 panelists across North America in June 2010. Conclusion As growing audiences migrate to social networks like Facebook, a brands ability to connect and influence these customers must shift from traditional marketing strategies. Facebook fans represent a significant opportunity to drive revenue enhancement, brand, and loyalty without incurring the considerable cost-per-person of conventional marketing. More importantly, such Facebook strategies allow for a discernable ROI that is not allowed by most other approaches. Fans are an extremely valuable segment of the Internet audience and should be addressed with specific strategies to nurture their ongoing participation and influence. Unlike traditional campaign-based marketing, Facebook-based marketing through well crafted fan utilization has no defined shelf life and can be more readily integrated into the day-to-day operation of the enterprise. Social Media Use in the United States: Implications for Health Communication Given the rapid changes in the communication landscape brought about by participative Internet use and social media, it is important to develop a better understanding of these technologies and their impact on health communication. The first step in this effort is to identify the characteristics of current social media users. Up-to-date reporting of current social media use will help monitor the growth of social media and inform health promotion/communication efforts aiming to effectively utilize social media. The purpose of the study is to identify the sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with current adult social media users in the United States. Methods: Data came from the 2007 iteration of the Health Information National Trends Study (HINTS, N = 7674). HINTS is a nationally representative cross-sectional survey on health-related communication trends and practices. Survey respondents who reported having accessed the Internet (N = 5078) were asked whether, over the past year, they had (1) participated in an online support group, (2) written in a blog, (3) visited a social networking site. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify predictors of each type of social media use. Conclusions: Recent growth of social media is not uniformly distributed across age groups; therefore, health communication programs utilizing social media must first consider the age of the targeted population to help ensure that messages reach the intended audience. While racial/ethnic and health status-related disparities exist in Internet access, among those with Internet access, these characteristics do not affect social media use. This finding suggests that the new technologies, represented by social media, may be changing the communication pattern throughout the United States. DELIVRABLE II Introduction Billions of people create trillions of connections through social media each day, but few of us consider how each click and key press builds relationships that, in aggregate, form a vast social network. Passionate users of social media tools such as email, blogs, microblogs, and wikis eagerly send personal or public messages, post strongly felt opinions, or contribute to community knowledge to develop partnerships, promote cultural heritage, and advance development. Devoted social networkers create and share digital media and rate or recommend resources to pool their experiences, provide help for neighbors and colleagues, and express their creativity. The results are vast, complex networks of connections that link people to other people, documents, locations, concepts, and other objects. New tools are now available to collect, analyze, visualize, and generate insights from the collections of connections formed from billions of messages, links, posts, edits, uploaded photos and videos , reviews, and recommendations. As social media have emerged as a widespread platform for human interaction, the invisible ties that link each of us to others have become more visible and machine readable. The result is a new opportunity to map social networks in detail and scale never before seen. The complex structures that emerge from webs of social relationships can now be studied with computer programs and graphical maps that leverage the science of social network analysis to capture the shape and key locations within a landscape of ties and links. These maps can guide new journeys through social landscapes that were previously uncharted. Social network analysis is the application of the broader field of network science to the study of human relationships and connections. Social networks are primordial; they have a history that long predates systems like Facebook and Friendster, and even the first email message. Ever since anyone exchanged help with anyone else, social networks have existed, even if they were mostly invisible. Social networks are created from any collection of connections among a group of people and things. In the twenty-first century, network science has blossomed alongside a new global culture of commonplace networked communications. With widespread network connectivity, within just the past few decades, billions of people have changed their lives by creatively using social media. We use social media to bring our families and friends closer together, reach out to neighbors and colleagues, and invigorate markets for products and services. Social media are used to create connections that can bind local regions and span continents. These connections range from the trivial to the most valued, potent collaborations, relationships, and communities. Social media tools have been used successfully to create large-scale successful collaborative public projects like Wikipedia, open source software used by millions, new forms of political participation, and scientific collaboratories that accelerate research. Unheard of just a few years ago, today systems such as blogs, wikis, Twitter, and Facebook are now headline news with social and political implications that stretch around the globe. Despite the very different shapes, sizes, and goals of the institutions involved in social media, the common structure that unifies all social media spaces is a social network. All of these systems create connections that leave traces and collectively create networks. The rise of social media Social media are visible in the form of consumer applications such as Facebook and Twitter, but significant use of social media tools takes place behind the firewalls that surround most corporations, institutions, and organizations. Inside these enterprises employees share documents, post messages and engage in extensive discussions, document annotation, and create extensive patterns of connections with other employees and other resources. Social media tools cultivate the internal discussions that improve quality, lower costs, and enable the creation of customer and partner communities that offer new opportunities for coordination, marketing, advertising, and customer support. As enterprises adopt tools like email, message boards, blogs, wikis, document sharing, and activity streams, they generate a number of social network data structures. These networks contain information that has significant business value by exposing participants in the business network who play critical and unique roles. Some employees act as bridges or brokers between otherwise separated segments of the company. Others have patterns of connection that indicate that they serve as sources of information for many others. Social network analysis of organizations offers a form of MRI or x-ray image of the organizational structure of the company. These images illuminate the ways the members of the organization are actually structured in contrast to the formal hierarchies. Individual Contributions Generate Public Wealth Collections of individual social media contributions can create vast, often beneficial, yet complex social institutions. Seeing the social media forest, and not just the trees, branches, and leaves, requires tools that can assemble, organize, and present an integrated view of large volumes of records of interactions. Building a better view of the social media landscape of connection can lead to improved user interfaces and policies that increase individual contributions and their quality. It can lead to better management tools and strategies that help individuals, organizations, and governments to more effectively apply social media to their priorities. However, dangerous criminals, malicious vandals, promoters of racial hatred, and oppressive governments can also use social media tools to enable destructive activities. Critics of social media warn of the dangers of lost responsibility and respect for creative contributions, when vital resources are assembled from many small pieces [1]. These dangers heighten interest in understanding how social media phenomena can be studied, improved, and protected. Why do some groups of people succeed in using these tools while many others fail? Community managers and participants can learn to use social network maps of their social media spaces to cultivate their best features and limit negative outcomes. Social network measures and maps can be used to gain insights into collective activity and guide optimization of their productive capacity while limiting the destructive forces that plague most efforts at computer-mediated communications. People interested in cultivating these communities can m easure and map social media activity in order to compare and contrast social media efforts to one another. Around the world, community stakeholders, managers, leaders, and members have found that they can all benefit from learning how to apply social network analysis methods to study, track, and compare the dynamics of their communities and the influence of individual contributions. Business leaders and analysts can study enterprise social networks to improve the performance of organizations by identifying key contributors, locating gaps or disconnections across the organization, and discovering important documents and other digital objects. Marketing and service directors can use social media network analysis to guide the promotion of their products and services, track compliments and complaints, and respond to priority customer requests. Community managers can apply these techniques to public-facing systems that gather people around a common interest and ensure that socially productive relationships are established. Social media tools have become central to national priorities requiring government agency leaders to become skillful in building and managing their communities and connections. Governments at all levels must learn to optimize and sustain social media tools for public health information dissemination, disaster response, energy conservation, environmental protection, community safety, and more. Background to the Problem Billions of people now weave a complex collection of email, Twitter, mobile short text messages, shared photos, podcasts, audio and video streams, blogs, wikis, discussion groups, virtual reality game environments, and social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace to connect them to the world and the people they care about. Twitter enable short exchanges ideal for efficiently pointing out resources or knowing what conferences people are attending, while discouraging in-depth discussion and analysis on the platform itself. In contrast, traditional blogs without length limitations and with their support for sharing multimedia content and comments are better suited for more in-depth presentations and conversations. Other media including books, newspapers, wikis, email, social networking sites, and so forth each have a set of properties that create a unique terrain of interaction. Learning to effectively meet your objectives using social media requires an understanding of that terrain and the social practices that have grown up around its use. One of the most exciting aspects of online social media tools is that they produce an enormous amount of social data that can be used to better understand the people, organizations, and communities that inhabit them. More specifically, they create relational data: information about who knows or is friends with whom, who talks to whom, who hangs out in the same places, and who enjoys the same things. Social Media Design Framework Social media systems come in a variety of forms and support numerous genres of interaction. Although they all connect individuals, they do so in dramatically different ways depending in part on the technical design choices that determine questions like these: Who can see what? Who can reply to whom? How long is content visible? What can link to what? Who can link to whom? Social media services vary in terms of their intended number of producers and consumers. An email is usually authored by just one person, whereas a wiki document is likely to be authored by several or even hundreds of people. An individually authored email might be sent to just one other person or be broadcasted to thousands. More generally, social media tools support different scales of production and consumption of digital objects. Many social media tools help individuals or small groups interact. Instant messaging (IM), video chat, and personal messaging within general-purpose social networking sites provide intimate communication channels comparable to phone calls and face-to-face office meetings. Social media can help individuals reach out to medium-sized groups of friends or acquaintances by broadcasting a personal message (e.g., a tweet sent to a users followers on Twitter; a post sent to a departmental email list) or allowing others to overhear a comment (a post to someones Facebook wall). They can also allow individuals to reach large groups through popular blog posts, podcasts, videos posted on sites like YouTube, or updates on Twitter by companies or celebrities with numerous followers. Purpose of the Research Thousands of people are earning huge amount of money through Social Media, This research will help to understand that when one person enters into social media, what is his path and where does he go? This Research will also help to understand that how can a person earn from a particular social network website. Research Questions To understand the pattern of browsing of individuals using social media network. To check the awareness among the people of earning through social media. How an individual can earn through Social Media in Pakistan? How this pattern can be used to gain maximum output in online advertising. DELIVERABLE III Medium of Research Social Network Theory Social network analysis is the application of the broader field of network science to the study of human relationships and connections. Social networks are primordial; they have a history that long predates systems like Facebook and Friendster, and even the first email message. Ever since anyone exchanged help with anyone else, social networks have existed, even if they were mostly invisible. Social networks are created from any collection of connections among a group of people and things. Social network analysis helps you explore and visualize patterns found within collections of linked entities that include people. From the perspective of social network analysis, the treelike org-chart that commonly represents the hierarchical structure of an organization or enterprise is too simple and lacks important information about the cross connections that exist between and across departments and divisions. In contrast with the simplified tree structure of an org-chart, a social network view of an organization or population leads to the creation of visualizations that resemble maps of highway systems, airline routes, or rail networks Network analysts see the world as a collection of interconnected pieces. Those studying social networks see relationships as the building blocks of the social world, each set of relationships combining to create emergent patterns of connections among people, groups, and things. The focus of social network analysis is between, not within people. Whereas traditional social science research methods such as surveys focus on individuals and their attributes (e.g., gender, age, income), network scientists focus on the connections that bind individuals together, not exclusively on their internal qualities or abilities. This change in focus from attribute data to relational data dramatically affects how data are collected, represented, and analyzed. Social network analysis complements methods that focus more narrowly on individuals, adding a critical dimension that captures the connective tissue of societies and other complex interdependencies. Once a set of social media networks has been constructed and social network measurements have been calculated, the resulting data set can be used for many applications. For example, network data sets can be used to create reports about community health, comparisons of subgroups, and identification of important individuals, as well as in applications that rank, sort, compare, and search for content and experts. The value of a social network approach is the ability to ask and answer questions that are not available to other methods. This means focusing on relationships. Although analysts, marketers, and administrators often track social media participation statistics, they rarely consider relationships. Traditional participation statistics can provide important insights about the engagement of a community, but can say little about the connections between community members. Network analysis can help explain important social phenomena such as group formation, group cohesion, social roles , personal influence, and overall community health. Significance of Research Social media marketing is the process of promoting your site or business through social media channels and it is a powerful strategy that will get you links, attention and massive amounts of traffic. There is no other low-cost promotional method out there that will easily give you large numbers of visitors, some of whom may come back to your website again and again. If you are selling products/services or just publishing content for ad revenue, social media marketing is a potent method that will make your site profitable over time. (Maki, 2007) Limitations Following are the issues which could be faced during the research: Lack of awareness of utilizing social media among people in Pakistan. No prior research available. DELIVERABLE IV LITERATURE REVIEW Social Media Marketing Social media marketing is the way of promoting your business or sites through different social media channels and it is an effective plan that will surge traffic to your sites, get more links and grasp the attention of people. It is one of the low cost website or product publicity method. It grasps more number of visitors, some of whom may repeatedly visit the website. If you are in a business which deals with selling products or services, then social media marketing is one of the effective ways that will make your site profitable over a period of time. Those who do not know the worth of social media sites fall into three different categories (1) the one who do not anything about social media marketing (2) one who are interested and do not know to use the social media (3)the one who do not have confidence in the worth that a social media marketing can bring in. Why Social Media? Nowadays Blogs are even ranked higher than the static websites because of their relevant content and their fresh thoughts which meet the searches criteria to come on top positions. The more links you have the better your site will be ranked by search engines. When your website receives more natural permanent links, it builds more authenticity of your site and builds search engine trust on your website. This helps to get ranked even with competitive keywords. social media is a essential tool for promoting your site and its really a worthy method to get into fame. (1)Social media marketing helps you to get more natural links to your site and your website is exposed in front of more people which helps yo to drive more traffic on your website. (2)Its a dependable method, if you utilize it properly and successfully, social communities help you to drive traffic more than the previous amount traffic you received from the search engine. (3) Social media marketing is a community based marketing method, and this doesnt harm several other methods that drive traffic to the websites regularly Social media marketing helps to get famous all around the globe. Social media sites includes online communities, social networks, blogs, wikis and another type of media for marketing, sales and customer support.. The different types of social media marketing tools include facebook, orkut, hi5, twitter, Linkedin, blogs, YouTube and Flickr. The social media marketing acts as a cheapeest method of advertising. It is seen that social media marketing acts as one of the leading business venue to use. Nowadays business technology buyers participate more socially to promote their business. Building a attractive website may take more amount of time and efforts. Getting ranked in search engine can take years, in order to build a competitive position. Social media marketing helps you to get huge amount of traffic in a single day. Once you become aware of social media tools the it would be easy for you to grab audience and to satisfy their needs. The fast growth of Social Media Marketing shows the future of internet in social media marketing. The major players in the social media market may revolutionize themselves in course off time and online business peoples also have to change their trends according to it. With social media marketing you can easily compete with the counterparts and attain the end in concern. The Value of Marketing through Social News Websites For those who dont understand or see the value of social media websites, lets take a look at the benefits of creating viral content and effectively promoting them through social media channels. Developing link baits and successfully getting it popular on various social media websites like Digg and StumbleUpon will lead to multiple benefits for any website: Primary and Secondary Traffic. Primary traffic is the large amount of visitors who come directly from social media websites. Secondary traffic is referral traffic from websites which link to and send you visitors, after they come across your content through the social sites. High Quality Links. Becoming popular on social news websites like Digg or Reddit will get you a large number of links, some of which

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

These Truths, Self-Evident :: Voting Personal Narrative Election Essays

These Truths, Self-Evident Yesterday†¦ Election Day†¦ Like many virtuous and civic-minded citizens I cast my ballot—our quirky little tradition, overthrowing the government every two years—yet despite my best efforts the Republican Party swept the House of Representatives and the United States Senate. I want to use a rude word right now. I don’t understand Republicans, and I don’t understand their policies; this isn’t to say that I don’t understand their aims and objectives—I do. However, I cannot stomach what they stand for. I cannot stomach those who would deny women control over their bodies, deny homosexuals the right to legally recognized love. I cannot fathom those who would cut taxes on the superrich, creating Jazz Age class divisions that separate citizens with insurmountable walls of money. But despite my disgust for most things conservatives stand for, I cannot bring myself to dismiss them. President Bush currently holds a 63 percent approval rating from the American public, and I do not choose to believe 63 percent of the citizens of my country are stupid. And despite the way I complain, I really sit down here to rant. My problem stems from the fact that everything these religious zealots hold sacred radically conflicts with every belief I hold sacred and dear. Salman Rushdie knows a little something of religious zealotry. After the publication of his 1988 novel The Satanic Verses, the Indian novelist got a bit more than the usual outcry from the extreme religious right. Objecting to the negative portrayal of the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, and the Koran, Islam’s holy book, Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran called on all righteous Muslims to execute the writer as well as the publisher of the book. For more than ten years, Rushdie hid from publicity and assassination, all on account of his slander of so-called â€Å"sacred† texts. It is reasonable to surmise that Rushdie has a pretty strong opinion of that which is declared sacrosanct. In 1990, the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London invited the Booker Prize-winning novelist to deliver the prestigious Herbert Reed Memorial Lecture; those protecting him decided that he should not go in person. Perhaps not being â€Å"able to re-enter [his] old life, not even for such a moment† (Rushdie 340), fueled Rushdie’s rhetoric; for whatever the cause, the occasion birthed a lecture of rage: â€Å"Is Nothing Sacred?† In this discourse, Rushdie discusses his views on the vitality and importance of literature, and whether it is, supposedly like religion, inherently sacred.